Cloning & Immigration
What Happens When They Die?
Blog Post
Plenty of migrants die for a number of reasons. They are reported. What about the undocumented. How many are there?
Cloning and Immigration are two issues that have nothing to do with each other. Is that true? Currently, Human Cloning is a form of reproduction; people coming into the world through alternative means. Immigration is the action of
coming to live permanently in a foreign country. How could these two things be related? Immigration increases the population through migration. Cloning increases the population through science. Are they related?
"Immigration increases the population through migration. Cloning increases the population through science. Are they related?"
The 14th Amendment states that:
“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens..” However, what if you’re not a citizen? What happens if you die? Back when Ellis Island was receiving people, there were many perils. PBS did a documentary on it. In it, they mention 3,500 people dying during Immigration. I wonder if those deaths were investigated. Non-citizen deaths, does anyone investigate? Well, that was like 100 years ago. I’m sure we’ve improved conditions since then.
Restricting science is a violation of fundamental rights. I found a Harvard article that addresses it: “A ban on cloning constrains two important liberties - freedom of reproduction and freedom of science. The essence of liberty is that it may not be constrained except to protect the liberty of another person or a strong public interest. Proposed justifications to prohibit reproductive cloning are based primarily on concern for human dignity and the moral status of the human embryo. This commentary suggests that there are other concerns about therapeutic cloning that justify restrictions on research, including in the private sector. These concerns relate to the protection of egg donors as subjects of research and to the human right of universal access to potential health benefits. The argument is that therapeutic cloning raises issues of global justice that, if not addressed through regulation, might pose a threat to human integrity.”
"A ban on cloning constrains two important liberties - freedom of reproduction and freedom of science."
So Human Cloning is restricted but not illegal. Hopefully, science doesn’t progress to the point of perfecting human cloning. On an unrelated topic, I found an article that shows Human Cloning assisting new treatments for Parkinson’s and heart disease. As long as those restrictions hold, science won’t spill over into illegal innovations. Hopefully, there’s no use for a large group of people with no 14th Amendment rights. Just google “human cloning laws,” and the search should put you at ease.
Any-who, let’s talk about ICE. ICE is an agency that
enforces immigration laws. They are incentivized to capture as many illegals as possible. Their hard work has led to an increase in awareness and regulation around US borders. To be fair, ICE does an excellent job of protecting America. It’s just that if you are an undocumented migrant and you die, ICE is the closest entity to report your death, and they do if you’re in their custody. However, as an agency that declares its own deaths, it makes me ask the question: does ICE govern itself? There doesn’t seem to be an oversight organization vested in immigrant deaths.
In other news, I read an article about a man who died. He was an immigrant from Iraq. In 2019, he went in to dispute a ticket for tall lawn grass. He got upset, tasered, and then died. Detroit Police say his death wasn’t related to the taser. His wife is fighting back with a lawsuit. Currently, it’s been 2 years, and it doesn’t seem like there’s any justice for him. It just makes me ask the question: if you’re an immigrant, what happens if you die? His name was Baha Judy, and he was a US citizen.